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If you wish to define arguments for a field, you must define your argument types explicitly using a type literal in your function or method signature. This allows Grats to "see" the types being used.

/** @gqlField */
myField(args: { greeting: string }): string {
return `${args.greeting} World`;

Functional style fields

In functional style fields, the arguments object is the second argument to the function. The first argument is the instance of the base type being extended.

/** @gqlField */
export function userById(_: Query, args: { id: string }): User {
return DB.getUserById(;

Default values

Default values for arguments can be defined by using the = operator with destructuring. Note tha tyou must perform the destructuring in the argument list, not in the function body:

class MyClass {
/** @gqlField */
myField({ greeting = "Hello" }: { greeting: string }): string {
return `${greeting} World`;

Deeply nested default values can also be defined:

class MyClass {
/** @gqlField */
greeting = { salutation: "Sup" },
}: {
greeting: GreetingConfig;
}): string {
return `${greeting.salutation} World`;

/** @gqlInput */
type GreetingConfig = {
salutation: string;

Deprecated arguments

Optional arguments can be marked as @deprecated by using the @deprecated JSDoc tag:

class MyClass {
/** @gqlField */
myField(_: {
/** @deprecated Unused! */
greeting?: string;
}): string {
return `Hello World`;