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Field Nullability

By default, Grats makes all fields nullable in keeping with GraphQL best practices. By modeling fields as nullable by default, any error encountered when evaluating a resolver function/method will be caught by the GraphQL executor and returned as a null value with error metadata attached to the response.

This approach allows for maximally resiliant network requests, since a single error will not take down the entire query, generally it will only affect the field that threw the error.

However, there are some fields where it is nessesary to have a non-nullable field. In this case, you may add the docblock tag @killsParentOnException to the field. This will cause the field to be typed as non-nullable, but it comes at a price. Should the resolver throw, the error will bubble up to the first nullable parent.


If @killsParentOnException is used too liberally, small errors can take down huge portions of your query.

/** @gqlType */
class MyType {
* @gqlField
* @killsParentOnException
myField(): string {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw new Error("Bang");
return "Whew!";

Would extract:

type MyType {
myField: String!

Changing the default

This behavior can be changed by setting the config option { "nullableByDefault": false }.


Dissabling nullableByDefault is equivilent to marking all non-nullable fields as @killsParentOnException.